On Thursday night, we prayed over the prophetic words released at the Board of Counselors for the U.S. Strategic Warfare Network, Florida:

Cindy Jacobs:  April 2006:  “Send your harvesting angels.  God is going to harvest the coast.  The Lord says, I’m getting ready to release the harvesting anointing.  There will be a day when Panama City will have the reputation of being the cleanest Spring Break (destination) in the nation.

Chuck Pierce:  “There is a war mantle on you.  Stand in the place of victory.  Break down the structures that oppose you, line upon line.  A gift I have thrown to you and this nation for war.

Cindy Jacobs August 19, 2009:  “Florida is going to be a great army; God has made Florida a great weapon in the hand of God (Jer. 51:20)  Florida, you are my battle axe and weapon of war.  Florida is a war-club, a battle axe.  There is terror in Tampa, Tallahassee and Miami – a ring of terror; but, God has a ring of fire.  Shaking, Shaking, shaking.  Florida is my threshing floor for the nation.  The key is the marriage of righteousness and justice.  There are revolutionary angels moving around; we are moving into a Kingdom Season where we war from the glory realm of Heaven, bringing forth our future.

Chuck Pierce 12/31/09:  Pensacola and St. Augustine are the oldest colonies in America.  Therefore, this word takes us back to the foundations of this nation.  The trade violations we have discovered are slavery, religious wars, shedding of innocent blood, idolatry and broken covenants.  These are the five key things that have defiled the land.  You go back 100 yrs and then 100 yrs again and there are patterns that must be overthrown through kingdom worship and when we do this Dagon falls over.  I actually saw Florida will be concentrated on more than any other state to gather and worship.

Click here to listen to the prayer call.

Our Florida call is each week at 7 pm on Thursday nights. You can also join us Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern time to make an appeal to heaven for Florida or join my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls at 6 a.m. devotions and prayer calls. Call 1-302-202-1108 and enter the code: 478553.

Be sure to check out Jennifer’s new book, The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening.

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