7 Ways to Make the Devil Flee 7 Ways

7 Ways to Make the Devil Flee 7 Ways

When you are living in covenant with God, you can stand on the blessings of Deuteronomy 28. One of them deals specifically with spiritual warfare: “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you...

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Effective Fervent Prayer

Effective Fervent Prayer

Are you praying earnestly? fervently? effectively? Are you praying at all? If ever there was a time when our nation needed prayer, when your friends and family need prayer, it's now. Look around you and you'll see prayer needs everywhere. Prayer changes things. In...

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Are You Praying for Your Nation?

Are You Praying for Your Nation?

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) I...

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When the Holy Spirit Calls

When the Holy Spirit Calls

Sometimes we never know why the Holy Spirit prompted us to pray. Other times, we find out as soon as we stop praying. That's what happened to me today. I had a sudden urge to pray so I answered the call spiritually. Little did I know 15 minutes later I would answer a...

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Discerning The Call to Prayer, Part 2

Discerning The Call to Prayer, Part 2

Last week, I started sharing about how to discern the call to prayer. You might also describe it as responding to spiritual prayer burdens. Talking to a prophet friend of mine in the Southwest about this topic this week because it's been happening to both of us in the...

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Discerning The Call to Prayer

Discerning The Call to Prayer

I enjoy reading anything from E.M. Bounds. He was a saint who lived from 1835 to 1913. He may or may not have known it, but he was prophetic. He was certainly a man of prayer. He said things like this: We have in the Holy Spirit an illustration and an enabler of what...

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Discerning the Call to Prophetic Intercession

Discerning the Call to Prophetic Intercession

There’s plenty of talk about prayer, prophetic intercession, standing in the gap, making up the hedge, prayer burdens, and, of course, spiritual warfare. But how do we discern the call to prayer? How do we recognize a proverbial prayer burden? These questions may seem...

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Do Prayer Rallies Really Do Any Good?

Do Prayer Rallies Really Do Any Good?

Another day, another prayer rally. That’s the sentiment of the naysayers who don’t believe intercession can turn the direction of a nation. After all, they say, you’ve got IHOPs all over the world praying—some of them filling up the bowls 24/7. You’ve got TheCall....

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